Monday, January 23, 2017

P-Day 81

Hi Mom!!!

I want you to send a text to everyone right now!!! I GOT MY DRIVING PRIVILEGES BACK!!! I started from the top, went to the bottom, and now I am here. But hehehe, I get my driving back and made designated driver, the day it snows a foot lololol. But I did very well. 

Elder Lor and I are doing good. He is a fellow league player, like everyone of my Hmong companions but Ryan. So that is good. But things are going very well. And I am excited.

So we had a crazy week where it got down to -23 and snowed like a foot and a half. It was crazy!!! We went tracting in the cold weather and found some potential investigators. We didn't get to see a whole lot of less actives, which has been our main focus. But we still got to 20 lessons, which is our goal. We taught some door step lessons and active member lessons. As long as Elder Lor gets used to teaching then things will be good!

Besides all the snow and crazy cold, there hasn't been a lot. Look into the NAU stuff and let me know asap so I can make my decision! Can you also do something for me? Can you look up if ASU has a linguistics program, and what languages they offer? I know NAU has linguistics but I lost the list that Johnnie sent to me of languages, so can you look that up too? 

Also, could you see what schools offer Hmong courses. I know BYU does but ewwwwww BYU..... Just curious on that, I am probably advanced past most college courses but maybe could learn a thing or two. But that is just for curiosity sake. 

Love you!

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