Monday, January 2, 2017

P-day 78

Nyob zoo xyoo tshiab! 

I am doing good! Slight cough but 98.99 percent! We got a call Saturday night and we are getting emergency transferred. Elder Vue will be going to Valdez and I will be getting Elder Stoddard. It is a medical ET. Elder Stoddard was in Valdez and hurt his foot pretty bad. Since there isn't any decent hospitals in Valdez, they are sending him here to get his foot checked out. 

President Robinson came to our sacrament meeting and talked with us about it. Elder Vue was going to go to Valdez anyway, this incident just hastened it. And Elder Stoddard is only my companion temporarily while he gets checked out. President told me I will be training the new Hmong guy, Elder Lo, next transfer. A weird chain of events but the lord's work pushes forward. 

But yeah, this week was a good week. The 30th-1st was Hmong New Years. We went Friday and Saturday. It was a lot of fun! There were a lot of cultural shows, singing, sports, and of course people to talk to! We had a good time, and talked with a ton of people. 

Another cool miracle, we got to go to the temple. There I met someone from my past ward, Memory Lake. So I got talking to him and I asked him how Hope was doing. She was one of my baptisms in Wasilla. She has several callings in the relief society and her daughter got baptized a few weeks after I left! That was awesome to hear. I taught the daughter a lot but she would never commit. So that was a miracle. 

One more miracle, Sengduan came to church on Sunday. He is one guy I have worked with before I left and when I came back. He is Lao and good friend with President Lee. He is hard to get a hold of, he will work for up to 6 months out of town. So he came to church and we had a good chat. President Robinson got to speak to him too. He is very enthusiastic and loved what he has seen from the church. 

A lot of miracles this week. I love you! 
Elder Frey

 President Lee let me try on some Hmong clothes
At Hmong New Year

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