Monday, January 16, 2017

P-Day 80

Hi Mom,

I am doing well. I got my new companion already, that was last wednesday. The Hmong branch is really good. It was supposed to be really cold but that got moved to this week. But it has been snowing quite a bit lately. Whenever it snows it warms up a lot so I'll take the snow right now lol!

We had a good week this week. The last 3 weeks have been weird- 3 weeks and 3 companions so I am happy to finally settle down with a companion. I guess as settled down as you can get as a missionary haha

Monday was just a normal P-day. It was a lot of preparing so that Elder Stoddard would be set going home. 

Tuesday was a normal pros day. We just finished setting up the area so that I can train. We just searched around for places to tract and stuff like that. Then at like 8ish we had to pick up some missionaries. They are the missionaries in Fairbanks who are training and had to come down to get their trainers. One of which was Elder Furnell if you remember him.

Wednesday, Elder Stoddard left and we picked up the greenies. We also got to go through the temple after the trainings! I didn't get to when I trained Elder Gentry because I had strep throat if you remembered haha. But I wasn't sick this time!

Thursday, we got to go back to the temple and help with baptisms for the dead. The ChuFoo ward and the Hmong branch did Youth Baptisms. So we went and helped out. We also visited Vue Yang and Elder Lor had his first lesson.

Friday and Saturday were pretty much normal days besides Saturday we had interviews with President Robinson. Those went good. He is trying to get Salt Lake to reinstate my driving privileges so pray for me! 

Sunday was a good Sunday. We had about 40 people come so not bad at all. We will keep working to get it higher and higher! 

It was just a week of visiting and meeting people and introducing Elder Lor to everybody. But things will pick up this week. He actually went to the MTC to learn Hmong. They don't do that for missionaries that come up here, whether they know Hmong or not. So that was cool. He didn't speak it before the mission but now he comes out with good grammar and pronunciation, so now I just have to teach him words! I am excited it will be a good next couple transfers. 

I love and miss you!
Elder Hayden Frey

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