Monday, January 2, 2017

P-Day 77

Merry Christmas!

I hope everyone had a good Christmas! I did. It is a wonderful season
to think about Christ and all that he did for us. But just remember,
think about him always (:

Anyway, I got sick this week... again... It was the usual stuff but I
also lost my voice completely for a long period of time... it is hard
to do missionary work without a voice. But cool miracle. We visited
Vue Yang and I didn't have a voice. I was on exchanges with Elder
Poppleton before I got really sick. But he had plans to teach the
lesson. When we walked into his house, I got my voice back and I was
able to teach! It was amazing. It was a longgggggg lesson. 3 hours...
but for 3 hours I got to talk. As soon as we left his house, I went
mute again for 3 days. Miracles are real!

But yeah I had a good time calling my family yesterday. My voice came
back on Sunday too! Which was good because I had a part in the Sunday
program and I talked to my family. It went completely mute to being
able to talk. They are all still gorps (They are in this group email
so they'll see this :P) but it was fun to talk to them.

Christmas was good. President and Sister Lee and Tsemeng are out of
town. So after calling, we hung out with Tsakong and just talked. He
didn't have to be alone on Christmas now!

But yeah it was a good week. I have to give a talk next week, and the
other speaker won't know if she will be back or not until the day
before. So I have to write a longggggg talk just in case. It'll be
fun! Love you all and have a good week!
Elder Hayden Frey

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