Monday, January 9, 2017

P-Day 79

Hi Mom,

I am doing very well, how are you? My cough is pretty much gone. It is getting really cold again here. We were sitting in the 20s now it is hovering above 0. Thursday on is supposed to be really really cold. Fairbanks is supposed to get to like -42+ !!! Here in Anchorage it is only supposed to get to like -25 or so. But that is in South Anchorage. Up here in North Anchorage, there is usually a 10-15 degree difference. So it could be -35 or so up here... 

Haha and those are my greenie's first few days here in AK. Haha I am not excited for the cold. I am super excited to train a new missionary though! I really loved it when I trained Elder Gentry. It will be slightly different here because I am in a language ward.

The one who I am training is Elder Lor. He is Hmong and from Fresno, CA. He is my trainer's cousin I  believe. Haha small world. But I hear his language skills aren't the greatest, so I will have to fix that. He probably understands it very well because his parent's most likely speak little english and would have spoken Hmong to him. That is like every young person now. 

Yep, so this week was a lot of doctor's appointments and sending Elder Vue away. My temporary comp is Elder Stoddard. He has been out 6 months and from Texas. Turns out he has to go home and get surgery. So he will be home for a bit. Recovery time is only about a month, then he can come back out. 

He has been great, he was told he would only be here a week but it was cool to see him try and pick up the language. He pronounces everything well and can read, write, get to know someone, and bear testimony. He is doing so well! It is unfortunate that he can't stay here. President Robinson told him not to focus on the language because we already had me, Elder Vue and now Elder Lor. But I'll miss him and I miss Elder Vue. But this is the life of a mission.

Things are really good here. I am glad things are good back there. I will send some pictures in a bit. We also had a crazy schedule change.  There was a world wide missionary schedule change! In order to reduce stress, we are now "agents unto ourselves" in setting our schedule. So now, we choose what we want to do, when we want to do it essentially. So we still wake up at 6:30 and go in at 9, but there is no set schedule beyond that. We are just given components and fit them in at the best times for us.

It is crazy because for almost 19 months I had a strict, law of Moses schedule. Now we live the higher law. I feel like a heathen because I had the strict law for most of the time. haha it's been a weird adjustment but cool at the same time. 

I love and miss you!
Elder Frey

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