Monday, October 31, 2016

P-Day 69

Hello Everyone,

So, I am just going to send one big giant email today. We have a busy
day today and have very little time to email, sorry! But it was a
stressful week. We have MLC coming up so we will fly to ANC for that.
We have been planning and preparing for that as well as zone meeting.

Last Monday: We were going to go hike, but since it was Deep Clean
P-Day, we decided to clean our apartment. It was nice and clean. With
the time we had remaining we hiked out to Nugget Falls and enjoyed the
view of the glacier. We hoped to see a bear and sure enough, 15
minutes after we left, a bear and 3 cubs came out. So Auke Bay
decided to hike it as well.  We then played basketball for the rest of the time.

Brother Sekona set up a lesson with some nonmembers for us, John and
Koleti. We had dinner over there and talked with them. Both are
interested in moving past the mistakes they made in life and looking
for a start over. Why not do that with the Plan of Happiness?

Tuesday: We had a good district meeting. Elder Stepp is doing a good
job as our district leader. After that we had a lesson with Ivy. It
went well! After that, we went and sang to a lady who is in the
assisted living home. She has been there for 7 almost 8 years... She
was happy for our company. Besides those two things, we walked around
all day in an effort to save miles, lose weight, and talk with
everyone. Our mission has a goal of talking with 10 people outside of
normal contacting, so we increased our efforts in doing so. We have
met some cool people doing so!

Wednesday: We began our MLC training. We just made some calls to
various members of our zone. Since they are all on islands within a
221,000 square mile radius, it is difficult to see them as you can
imagine.. but we got some good help. We we had a lesson with Brother
Adams and his wife, we talked about covenants and the sabbath day. It
was an inspiring lesson, as always. We taught John and Koleti again
after that. We taught the Plan of Salvation, or the Plan of Happiness.
They lit up as we talked about families being together forever and
about how trials and mistakes, as well as Jesus Christ, play into
eternity. They responded very well. Other then that, more walking!

Thursday- We had a busy day set up but... everything dropped. Since we
have MLC, we just continued on our training. We started to figure it
out then. Also, our 1st Counselor in the mission presidency and our
vehicle coordinator was in town for Stake conference and checked our
apartment, it was 👌👌. Haha see Mom! I can clean 😜

Friday- We had a vehicle training with all the missionaries and
President LaVoie. It went well, those who didn't know about various
parts and functions of a car now know. So now we can be safe 500 miles
away in Juneau. We just continued on our training. We also prepared
our training for the Stake Ward Mission Leader training.

Saturday- Whew! Busy. So we had breakfast with Mary Ann. And there was
a lot... she is doing very well. After we had lunch with Nia.. like
right after. Then we had to stand up and give a training to Ward
mission leaders. It went well. We gave a chapel tour, and taught Andy
after that. Things went very well. The spirit was strong and it
definitely testified through us.

After that, we had the adult session of stake conference. It went
well! I learned a lot. But, miracle, our stake president wants to meet
with us now!

Sunday: Stake Conference and planning the training. We are almost
done. We have lots of content and ideas, now just what to share and
how to present it. The training is going well though! We also picked
up a part-member family referral!

Today!: We are throwing a halloween party with us and Auke Bay! Haha
we are BBQing basically. Yup, a party of 4. It'll be fun. We have
waffle balls and meat.

Yup, everything is going awesome! Busy day today so sorry there isn't
much time to email. I'll send photos for once in a separate email. I
love you all and have a good week!

Elder Hayden Frey

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