Monday, November 7, 2016

P-Day 70

Hi Mom!

I thought I added you to the list.... awkward. I only had time to send 1 email. So I sent a massive one out and forgot to add you oops. But here is one this week (: MLC was awesome. I went through the temple for the first time in like, almost 6 months! 

 It was a good week. Last Monday, we had a Halloween party with Auke Bay! We BBQ'd and played some waffle ball. It was fun. I also cut my own hair for the first time. It came out great! I was impressed. 

Tuesday, we flew to Anchorage. Before that, we picked up a new investigator, Joseph. Our relief society President prayed about a family to give us and a less active came to mind. So we went and visited, turns out they wanted to come back and have a son who hasn't been baptized. Mm coincidence? But we had a booked flight. It was weird for a flight leaving Juneau... but the APs called us and said we didn't have to give our training as we were finishing it... 

Wednesday, MLC!! Like I said, we went through the temple hence, not having to give our training. It was amazing and I learned so much. MLC was centered around the temple and how we have the ability to seal families together forever, and that's the Lord's vision for us: happy at home, sealed for eternity. We focused on getting everyone to the temple. The APs training was our training as well... it was amazing how Presidents, and the APs fit into ours perfectly. It's like it was meant to be or something. 

Thursday- Since we were gone for Tuesday and Wednesday essentially, we had a booked day teaching everyone we would have visited those two days. While it was good, it wasn't. We had no time to plan zone meeting... We had some great lessons though!

Friday- We got up and planned, planned, planned. All the way up until zone meeting. 4.5 hours of planning. But it was a sweet training. It was one of my favorites. We talked about how to achieve success. We thought about success, and an equation came to our mind: Success= Motivation --(Goals)--> Vision. It was one big training. But of course, we went overtime. But it was awesome. The main point was "How to set small goals to achieve big ones." Of course we never trained on setting goals. We didn't even hint at it. But the spirit taught everyone that and it was amazing. We talked about doing the little things to do big things, like give out 5 BoM a week, talk to 10 people a day (Like Elder Ballard promised us.) and stuff like that. One of the most revelatory and worthwhile trainings I have given. We had some of the struggling missionaries call us and talk about new goals they set so they can find success. It was awesome, they are being accountable to us and achieving! It is awesome seeing them change. 

Saturday- we were able to teach Joseph and Maryann. It was an effective day. We walked around and talked with a bunch of people. 

Sunday- Same old same old. We went to church and had a massive Polynesian dinner with some LA, RC and our WML. Then we had FHE with the Latus. We created an Accountability plan with our DLs. So we can set goals and be accountable to them nightly. Since our zone covers 221,000 square miles. It's difficult to see everyone... as we are accountable, we will do our best. 

Today- The APs fly in for exchanges. We are going to hike to the ice caves again. Good P-Day planned. 

Love you and sorry again!
Elder Hayden Frey

With Elder Pew at the airport in Anchorage

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