Thursday, November 17, 2016

P-Day 71


We have another busy P-day today and there isn't a lot of time. But I
wanted to write in some detail so I will send a single email to
everyone. But we have already done a lot today. We have deep cleaned,
shopped, done laundry and Elder Pew needs a hair cut so we are going
to do that. Then we are hanging out at the Juneau trailer with Auke

Last Monday we had the APs come down for exchanges. It was a blast. I
have served around Elder Bird and Elder Jensen and I were in the same
MTC district/room. So I know him very well. We hiked out to the ice
caves which was a blast. We miss timed it. And by the time we hiked
the 5 miles to get there, it was dark. We explored a bit and started
back while it was pitch black. It gets dark around 3:40 here.. but
that was an adventure. All the flash lights started to go out... we
all got back safe and sound

Tuesday we had district meeting and the exchange. Me and Elder Jensen
just walked around and talked with people. It was good. It rained a
ton and we were soaked.

Wednesday, we had to bring one of the cars in for tires and an oil
change. Instead of just sitting and waiting, we decided to walk around
and talk with people. So we just walked and OYM'd. We were able to
give our a lot of pass along cards for the new Christmas video, which
is amazing btw, we watch it in MLC a few weeks ago. We also gave out
some BoM. We talked with this native and he talked about how Jesus
came to America and visited and taught here too. Well, we actually
have a book about it! We gave him a copy.

Thursday and Friday and Saturday were all the same. We did a lot of
OYMing and tracting. Miracles are happening though, we were able to
pick up a bunch of new investigators, but not through contacting. We
had people call us with some and they just showed up the church. It
was amazing. Miracles happen when you sacrifice and work hard.

Sunday we had to give talks. We got called to do it on Thursday. I
ended up talking for a really long time... like 40 minutes. So Elder
Pew got off a little bit. He still gave a great talk. I talked about
faith and he talked about repentance. They worked well together.

Things are great here in Juneau. Elder Bird never sent the photos of
the ice caves... so I have no photos today. Maybe next week. We have
interviews with the mission president this Friday. We are excited for
besides that, not much new this week. Just teaching. Have a good week!

Til next time!
Elder Hayden Frey

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