Friday, November 25, 2016

P-Day 72

Hi Mom!

I had a good week this week. It was successful and busy. I didn't have
a chance but I think you should just order those pants. Things here in
Juneau are overpriced so yeah. Just order them soon because I'm down
to 2 pairs! Also, black and grey please (:

But yeah so onto the week, it is getting cold! It is in the high teens
and low to mid 20s. Thankfully no rain and snow! Although, with all
the frost we are getting, it's piled up and looks like snow lol! But
not on the roads. But I have to start dressing warmer.

Monday- We had to do a lot of errands for P-day and stuff. But after,
we taught 2 investigators. Both from Samoa and hardly speak English.
So our ward mission leader translated and helped teach. It went very

Tuesday we had district meeting. It was a good meeting. We taught
another investigator named Priscilla. She had denied me 4 times but
then came to church and accepted an invitation to take the
discussions. We taught her lesson 1 and it went alright.

Wednesday we went on exchanges with Auke Bay. Elder Stepp came here
with me. He came out with me and is from AZ too. So we had fun. We
walked and OYM'd. We also taught Jessica, an investigator we have on
date for Feb. 4th.

Thursday was same old same old too. We went to glory hole and cooked
for the homeless. Then exchanged back. We had a busy after noon
teaching. We taught 3 Samoan lessons in a row. While we were walking
out of one, we OYM'd someone outside and taught a lesson, and got a
return appointment!

Friday and Saturday weren't good days. We had lessons set up for every
hour of the day. And they almost all canceled. We did have interviews
with President Robinson. That went well. He talked with me about the
Hmong branch a little bit. Is that a sign?! I hope so (;

Saturday had a little glimmer of hope. We put a Joseph, a 12 year old
boy, in a part member family on date for December 10th. It was a good
lesson. He always has interesting questions that you can tell he
thinks about things. He is excited!

Saturday we also decided to go walking because everything canceled. I
was ill prepared. We were at the trailer making calls so I couldn't go
grab stuff. But it gets dark here at 3. And we walked from 4-9. We
walked a total of 10 mikes talking to everyone. We did teach a lesson
though! It was neat. Our branch mission leader drove by as we were
doing so too!

Sunday was a good day. Poppy, who is from Thailand, made me Thai curry
(: I love it and miss it since I've left Hmong. But we also put
PaePae, a 17 year old Samoan kid, on date for December 3rd. He is
excited too! Our WML will talk to his parents back in Samoa to make
sure it is all good!

Today, we don't know what we are doing but I'll tell you next week!

Things are good. We have 3 on date right now and possibly 4 more by
the end of the week. We have plans to at least! It's exciting. We have
transfer calls Friday, I am probably leaving because Elder Pew only
has 1 more after this.. sad, I have come to love Juneau. I love you!

Elder Haydonis!

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