Monday, October 17, 2016

P-Day 67

Hi Mom!

I am doing well. I'll do the Day by day thingy again. That was easier. So Autumn Iputi added you on FB. Accept her! She's awesome. 

But I know Elder Call kind of. So we went through a spell of very little missionaries. So they went us a ton. We have over 40% of our mission in training. So I know nobody anymore. They released a ton of ZLs and called new ones, so I'm like, one of the oldest ZLs. Also Elder Jensen, from my mtc group, went AP. That was cool. 

And the voting. So I can vote absentee. Also, they never took my AZ license. I have both. Random question, but since I still have my AZ driver's license, do I have to get a new one even though I have an AK one too? But yeah we can vote absentee. I know very little about the options so yeah.. 

Monday: Last Monday, we decided not to go on a hike. Elder Na'a was feeling super sick. So we went to Echo Cove and had a bonfire on the beach. We also picked up a super cool potential YSA investigator. He randomly drove up on his little Coleman motorcycle as he was Rednecking out. He was legit. 

Tuesday: We had a pretty regular day. We gave a blessing, had district meeting, and had a lesson with Ivy. Ivy is doing super well. She was upset because she didn't do our commitment as well as she thought she could..... Haha if only our investigators were this good. She was so happy to be back in church. Her husband is even talking about coming back. Blessings from coming to church right?!

Wednesday: We thought this was going to be a slow day... we had a longggggg planning session. We put down every name we could think of to visit because we thought we would have a slow day. Turns out to be one of the busiest this week. We home taught a member who just moved up, we met with Gil, we had the Adams, and Iputi's. Gil is a former investigator we dropped, but something felt right about going. So we did, and we read the first chapter of the Book of Mormon. He claims to be pagan, but he has weird pagan beliefs that line up with Christianity pretty close. So he is basically Christian without saying he is Christian. So we believe we can start working with him. His dad also has a ton of potential. We talked with him for a while. Adams was awesome as always. Brother Adams is the second counselor in the YSA branch presidency and while we were doing the 555 appointments, he and his wife were one of them. It is the only one still going... Since his wife has never gone through the missionary lessons, we go over there and teach them. It turns into a large companionship study and a ton of questions asked all around. I love it. We usually take a point a week. 

Thursday: Thursday was supposed to be our busiest day... and it was probably the slowest. We were able to have a lesson with Jessica and Suewedna. Jessica is one of our progressing investigators. She lives in the halfway house so it's difficult to get in touch with her... but we had a lesson and it went well. We did L2 and talked about the plan of salvation and she was in tears hearing about the blessings that come from it. Our member killed it as well. Then we had a Tongan dinner πŸ’€ but they invited a family. This was a family the missionaries used to meet with. The husband and kids weren't interested but the mom was. The parents are divorced now. The kids aren't super interested but are willing to try it out, but the mom is still super interested. We taught the restoration. It was a powerful lesson. The mom had a ton of questions coming in and they were answered as we taught. The spirit is powerful. She has almost read the entire Book of Mormon. She is definitely prepared. 

Friday: Friday was a normal day, not much happened. Except for transfer calls.. I will be staying here in Juneau. Elder Keys will be spending his last 6 weeks in Anchorage at the Lake Otis Samoan Ward. He isn't pumped... He didn't want to leave for his last transfer, or go to Anchorage. And he got both. He also has to learn Samoan and greenie break a missionary from the Islands. God has a plan. My new companion will be Elder Pew! I know him pretty well. He is a funny guy. He has 2 transfers left (Which means this is probably my last transfer in Juneau since they don't whitewash ZL areas) and I am excited to serve with him. 

Saturday: We went and visited some people with our branch mission leader Josh. We got a text from Autumn Iputi. She had a super spiritual experience where she woke up with the scriptures open on the table and she felt she needed to read them. She went on to read a couple chapters on her own. (I spent 3 months trying to get her to do that and she never did...) and then watched all of Women's Conference and several other talks. She is now super committed to come back. God prepares people in their own time.  

Sunday: IT SNOWED. We got about 4 inches of snow. But... by the afternoon it was disappearing quick because it turned to rain.. but it still snowed. Snow is cool for a day... then it sucks. So I a, glad it is going away. #TeamSun🌞🌞🌞🌞☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ Sunday was good. Ivy came to church and things went well. Elder Keys said some good byes. We also walked around downtown with our investigator Crystal and handed out blankets to the homeless people. It was super cool. She was like, "I have extra blankets, let's go hand them out to people who need them." 

Today: We dropped Elder Na'a at the airport to fly to Anchorage before he goes home. I'm going to miss him. He is one of the first missionaries I met in AK and I am so happy to serve with him as missionaries in AK. He is an example to me. He will be missed. Ofa Atu Elder Na'a. We also had to pick up the Whitehorse missionaries and we gave them a car. But we are sitting here at Josh's (Our YSA branch mission leader) in tupenus  (The Tongan traditional skirt thingy) and just chilling. We don't plan on doing anything... so yeah! Elder Keys flies out tomorrow. 

I love and miss you! 
Elder Haydonis 

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