Monday, October 10, 2016

P-Day 66

Hi Mom!

I am glad you had a good week. Last one seemed busy busy. Haha that's funny about Garrett's diet. Time to make fun of him. 

And I am good on money, all major expenses are gone. Plus, I have a ton of left over allotment because of the Tongans. That's super cool about the investigator!!

Things are going well here in Juneau. We decided to go through out investigator pool and drop everyone who isn't elect... We realized how little we actually have. So we will trust that God will guide us to people. Time to knock some doors.

Monday: We went and hiked Mt. Juneau. That was a fun hike! I am so out of shape...🍔🍔🍟🍟🍟🍔🍔🍔🍟🍟 It was about 10-12 miles round trip I believe. Or maybe it just felt that way... but either way, it was long and fun. We did it with the district that is here in Juneau.

Tuesday: Tuesday was a regular day until 6. Then we flew into Anchorage. We had Mission Leadership Council. So, we flew out when it was dark and we got to see the northern lights from the plane. It is wayyyyyy better on the ground. It looks like green clouds from the side...

Wednesday: We had MLC. It was a good one this time. Last one was pretty.... not good. We have a pretty sweet training I think. It was called ticket to Heaven and it is about making missionary work a lot more personal. We used a lot of imagery and such. All the other trainings were good as well. We flew back Wednesday night.

Thursday: We planned for Zone meeting on Friday. We also had a lesson with this less active lady the sisters referred to us. She was pretty cool, her name is Moira. She was baptized in Samoa but hasn't really been active since. She has a non member husband and is open to progressing.

Friday: We had Zone meeting! It was a good meeting. The trainings went well, technology worked for the most part, and the spirit was strong. So it was a good meeting.

Saturday: This was one of the slowest days I have had on the mission.. We had no clue what to do all day... we stayed working. At our dinner, Mary Ann, our recent convert Filipino, taught me how to make Chicken Adobo😍😍 Time to gain more weight...

Sunday: It was a good Sunday. We had 2 less actives come to church and both were super touched. Ivy, one of the less actives, went from not really interested in returning, to deciding to come. She came and bore her testimony and was an active participant. It was amazing to see her change and hopefully she keeps it up!

Today: We are gunna hike again for Elder Na'a's last P-day. The silvers aren't running anymore so no more fishing.

We get transfer calls this week so, we'll see what happens. I'll let you know next week. #PrayForHmong haha it's getting cold... it was 29 degrees this am when we left... ughhhhh I hate the cold. I love you! 

Love you!
Elder Hayden Frey

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