Monday, October 3, 2016

P-Day 65

Hi Mom!

Grand Canyon... How far was it from STV? That sounds fun though. Garrett leaves Tuesday right? 

This week was pretty good. Conference was AMAZINGGGGGGGGGGGGG. It was the best. We had several less actives and an investigator come. The investigator absolutely loved it. She thought it was amazing. We downloaded the gospel library app onto her phone and she is pumped to listen to more. 

We had a pretty standard week. Go teach the gospel. Ketchikan got canceled entirely. We go to Anchorage, pray I get to meet a Hmong in the airport to talk to! 

 We went to the airport because Bro. Adams, our YSA branch 1st counselor, works there and he had a lesson he shared with us one time which is our MLC training. So we needed more information from him. In turn, we were gonna do service. But the service cancelled, so we drove around with him and explored his job a little bit. 

He has the coolest job ever: Make sure birds and planes don't mix using whatever you need: Like firecrackers, explosives, guns, perches, chainsaws, etc. I want his job so bad. It was a blast going around for a half an hour or so. 

But yeah not much this week... Conference was amazing. I finished the Book of Mormon in Hmong cover to cover last week. I decided to actually do it a few weeks ago so I did. It's as true in Hmong as in english. I love and miss you. 

Elder Hayden Frey

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