Monday, September 26, 2016

P-Day 64 (and pictures!!!!)

Hi mom!

I am doing awesome! So happy all the Zone Conference stuff is done. I did get the voice recorder! President brought it with him to zone conference. It's awesome, thank you! I love it. 

Haha I love teaching people how to speak English! It is fun. And stop flaking on the missionaries :P gosh! I also have a request. Can you get me Kirk Russell and Tracy Purtee's email address?! Remember them? They were the fishing tournament people. Tracy's should be on the website. Wasn't it like Go fishin? Also, Kirk's should be on there too, if not, he sponsors them. So under the sponsors you can look. I can't remember specific names but yeah.. 

So last P-Day was hectic. We ran people around and fished in between. It was super fun and stressful. Plans were late and such. Stupid delays. 

Zone conference went well! It was a spiritual meeting. Our training didn't go as planned because it got cut in half but people said it was good and they learned a lot. We are having problems with motivation. We have a rather old Zone. Not a lot of greenie fire so we talked about Jesus's life. We went through main events then focused on the atonement. Because PMG says, as you learn more about the atonement, your desires to share the gospel are increased. 

Wednesday was like Monday minus fishing. We were running people around and hosting them. Planes were delayed and such. We got like no sleep. It was a tiring day. 

The baptism was awesome! We each baptized and confirmed one. The water in the building is super weird and the hot water doesn't work well. So we ended up boiling water and using the little hot water in the church. So we did it very slowly. It didn't turn out very warm but it was warmer then Andy's. 

This week was good! I love you! 
Elder Haydonis 

 Baptism of the Tyskas
Zone Conference
Lucky 2.0

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