Monday, September 19, 2016

P-Day 63

Hi Mom!

Juneau is awesome! It's rained a lot and very hard. Sounds like a bunch of things happened! Fun. 

So we have the baptism for the Tyskas this Saturday! They are super excited. We finished up the lessons and just have the baptismal interview this week. You'll hear all about it next week. 

We got a new investigator this week. His name is Kurry and he's 19. He is a funny guy and his grandma was a member and she passed when he was 8. He is remembering the stuff she taught him and he has decided to learn more about what made her happy.

We had a huge Polynesian breakfast last week with waffles. Super unhealthy, but super good. We made waffles with Nutella, fruit and about half a can of whipped cream per waffle... Then chickens

Zone conference is tomorrow so we are bussing around missionaries today.  Probably some fishing right before that with the APs. Elder Keys caught two silvers last week, I caught a bunch of flounders but nothing noteworthy like silvers. We'll try again this today!

We have a cool training for Zone Conference, I'll talk about it next week. Not a lot of time today. I love and miss you! 

Elder Frey 

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