Monday, October 24, 2016

P-Day 68

Hi Mom!

I am doing good. Juneau is doing good! Elder Pew is the man! He is super funny and a good guy. This week was a very interesting week with transfers. That rain and snow mix made it interesting to get people places. Everyone made it safe though! 

Monday: Monday! We had to drop off Elder Na'a and Elder Juarez off at the airport. They are now home. It was a sad moment. Glad I have time left whew! But we were exhausted and we hung out with Josh Tupou all day. We were supposed to pick up Whitehorse, but their flight was canceled. So they were going to get on the ferry and get in at 2 am. And that was delayed. So they had to stay the night in Skagway. Their truck also got a flat tire. 

Tuesday: I dropped off Elder Keys. He was disappointed to leave but he will do good in Lake Otis Samoan Ward. We got Skagway. Elder Kipp, Elder Rider and I trio'd for a few hours. We taught repentance and baptized converts. Then we dropped Elder Rider off at the airport and Elder Kipp, Elder Stepp and I trio'd. I had a ton off companions in a short amount of time: Elder McKamey, Elder Kipp, Elder Stepp, and Elder Rider. 

Wednesday: I got Elder Pew! We mostly just went around and introduced him to everyone. Elder Pew is the man! 

Thursday: We were supposed to have a super busy day... but everything fell through. We were able to teach Jessica and she is doing well. She is committed to change. She won't be able to be baptized until next year but she wants it bad. 

Friday: We were able to teach the Tyskas. They are still doing well. Fun and energetic as always. Not much happened Friday. 

Saturday: We had a busy busy day! We taught several lessons and several dinners... but we taught Mary Ann's sister and she said if her husband allowed it she would join the church! 

Sunday: We got a new Ward mission leader in Mt. Juneau Ward: Brother Sekona. One day in and I can already tell he will be good. We had correlation and he came and already had lessons set up with investigators for us. Things will go good here. 

Besides all that, we have just been OYMing and knocking doors. All the converts are strong and we are looking for more solid investigators. The work is awesome. Elder Pew is the man. Things are good! I love you!
Elder Frey

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