Monday, March 7, 2016

P-Day 35

Hi Mom,

Nope things with Elder Meade just keep getting worse.... No matter how hard I try things just don't seem to go well. Saturday and Sunday were the worst... There were giant fights and he is trying to pin me and President Lampert (branch president) to be bad guys to President Robinson (mission president). So President Lampert wants to call and chat and get Elder Meade out of here. It's a big ol mess now.

I was quarantined in my apartment this whole week. My eyes were bloodshot, I have a really bad cough and sore throat. Headache, chills. Etc etc. everything is gone but bloodshot eyes and cough. Headache is in an out still. 

I have nothing to say really.  Sister Her is moving.... That's sad. We did service for the Iditarod start. Pictures when I can get them. My camera was dead and I didn't charge it because I didn't think we were going because I've been super sick. And Sunday was the craziest Sunday ever. In a not good way. That's all for the week.  Thanks for the prayers and quotes.

Love you!
Elder Hayden Frey

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