Monday, February 29, 2016

P-Day 34

Hi Lovely Mother,

I am doing alright. Elder Meade and I haven't gotten along
particularly well. There is a saying that, “There are no hard companions,
only hard hearts". I am trying as hard as I can. But at this point,
Alyssa at her worst was easier than this. There is a lack of effort
and I am trying hard, but the last two weeks I have noticed my effort
has gone down. I am going to try and talk to President Robinson and
see if we can try and unify our companionship so I can have more joy
in this work. I know it is the Lord's work and I am giving up these
two years so that families can be together forever.

We did finally have a lesson with Cher, the guy who drove up to me and
Vang 1 back at Halloween. The CMA (Christian) Hmong church grabbed him but he still hasn't "joined" yet. We taught him the Restoration and talked about finding the truth. We can hopefully get him back. The CMA Hmong church likes to throw money around.... So they attract a lot of people. Even if they don't believe in God because they throw money
around. But we teach the truth. It was a good thing we have Tsakong because he really brought the spirit in there. I love you!

Elder Hayden Frey

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