Monday, February 8, 2016

P-Day 31

Nyob zoo,

Elder Meade is from "The Factory" (Utah). He has been out for 15 months and he is interesting.... We get along for now... But there is only hard hearts not hard companions.

What a week this was. It was my first with an English companion and I am the Hmong elder. We meet a few interesting people this week. The first is a relatively young guy named Adam. He isn't super interested (right now) but knows lots of Mormons and met the missionaries before. He asked a lot of questions and we gave him a Book of Mormon. He was a fun dude to talk to. He will be ready in the not so far future, just not the elect right now.

Another one is an old investigator named Puab. Uhhh yeah.... I didn’t know her at all so we went to go visit her. She was 90 something and half deaf and she was hard to understand when she did speak... And she spoke green Hmong... Most missionaries learn white Hmong because it is more universal and Ryan Vang spoke white Hmong. But green Hmong can speak and understand white Hmong but white can't understand or speak green Hmong.... I somehow could understand her and had a conversation with her... She asked us to pray for her so I did. And she fell asleep in the middle of the prayer... Finally Elder Meade said "Amen” really loud and she woke up. When she woke up she asked me to pray for her again. So I said 2 prayers in 3 minutes.. That was interesting.

Elder Meade got up and bore his testimony in Hmong on Sunday. The members don't care if it's good or bad, only if you try. So I told him no more English. And he did alright for his first time! I'm proud.

That's the week basically. We have some really solid investigators and a lot of good things should be happening here soon! Have a good week, love you!
Your favorite Hmong elder, 

Elder Frey

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