Monday, February 22, 2016

P-Day 33


So the service I was stoked about... Didn't work out. I was unable to translate for the parent teacher conferences. But it's okay! Maybe next time. I did use my Hmong skills to the max though. Sunday was absolutely terrible weather. It was raining frozen rain hard and winds were 30-40 mph. It was legit raining sideways but the roads were a ice rink. Later on it changed to snow and made everything worse. It was a mess. Our speakers were supposed to drive from Eagle River from another Ward. Since the weather was so bad... They didn't come... I had to give an impromptu talk in Hmong. It ended up going 25 minutes. The worst part was I have been sick all week and I was up there coughing and sneezing. I also had fever chills going on. It was not fun but I thank the spirit for the magnifying of my words!

I was sick all week pretty much.. Between me and Elder Meade being sick, we lost a lot of proselytizing time. It will get better. It was a good service week. We did wayyy over the "limit" for service and did a lot of good things. We saw a car pulled over broken down and stopped to see if he needed help. Turns out he was Hmong and a member! He wasn't interested in returning and his Hmong was.... Terrible... Haha but we helped him out. 

We also had a branch activity in Palmer. It's fun seeing that part of the country. I got to meet some people down there... Let's just say some are the crazy hicks. Crazy..... Like Straight off of TV crazy... Haha it was a lot of fun!

Besides impromptu talking in Hmong, temple, service and sick all week, there was absolutely nothing. No cool interesting stories. Maybe next week! Also some pictures from a few P-Days ago. We visited an old Catholic Church. It was a short hike to it and then we looked around. 
Have a good week!
Love, Elder Hayden Frey

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