Monday, February 1, 2016

P-Day 30


This week is transfer week. Another transfer, another companion dying! Elder Vang is going back home to California after his 2 years. He was a fun companion and funny dude. He taught me a lot. I'll miss him and I was sad I couldn't be with him longer than 1 transfer. 

I have gotten my transfer call. I am getting Elder Meade as my companion. I am officially the only missionary who knows Hmong. I don't know how long Elder Meade (out for about 15 months) will be here but all I will say is it will be interesting and I have mixed feelings about it. But I will work hard and continue to learn and grow and serve the Hmong people. 

We had branch conference yesterday and for it, there had to be a special musical number. So Joanna asked me and Elder Vang to do a number with Qaze and Gao. So we did the "Child's Prayer" duet but in Hmong. That went well. Me and Elder Vang just sang softly .

Not much besides that this week. No rebuking people in Hmong or earthquakes. Speaking of which I have some pictures from that. Also this earthquake was bigger then the one that destroyed Haiti, just this is Alaska where things are built for earthquakes!

Love you,
Elder Frey
At Elder Vang’s Birthday dinner

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