Monday, February 15, 2016

P-Day 32

Hi Sister Mother

I got your package and loved the pun!** That was a lot of Chocolate.
Just like missionaries do... They stole a bunch. But I still have
quite a bit. I haven't gotten Mindi's yet.

I got a neat service opportunity for this week that I am stoked about!
President Lampert was picking up his granddaughter from school and
said "Nyob Zoo" to a Hmong family at the school and the principal
heard. She asked him if he would translate for Parent Teacher
conferences. He doesn't know Hmong at all so of course he turned it
down. He asked us to ask Tsakong but Tsakong said no he couldn't. And
no one else was free so I am the translator now. Looks like President
Robinson can't transfer me now! I am now translating for the community
as well!

We had a regional stake broadcast yesterday. That was a neat little
broadcast to the Northwestern United States and British Columbia. They
taught a lot about being examples in our faith and how doing the
little things can increase it. They emphasized the First Vision and
Book of Mormon being the foundation of our church.

My trainer, Ryan Vang, came into town this weekend! He visited for the
weekend. On Saturday we went out to eat with him then Sunday he went
on visits with us from 2-9. We caught up and had a fun time doing
missionary work. He's going home today so after this I am going to
drop him off at the airport.

We had a super sweet lesson with Kia This week. Kia was someone
Ryan and I met at our Thanksgiving party and talked to. After meeting her,
we knew she was super golden or gunna be a basher. Ryan and I tried,
then Jamal and I tried and we could never meet with her. Finally Elder Meade 
and I just went and we met with her and it was a spiritually
amazing lesson. We talked with her about churches she attended and
none of them were the LDS church.

We taught her the restoration and when we got to the part about the
Great Apostasy she just got it and understood. She had always wondered
what happened after the apostles were killed and why there were so
many churches when we have one God. We then talked about Joseph Smith
and how he wanted to know the truth. She really loved this part
because it was the same boat that she was in. She really wanted to
know. We recited the First Vision to her and she said she heard it
somewhere and didn't know where. It was the Light of Christ. She
wasn't hearing anything new, the truth was inside of her. We asked her
to be baptized and she agreed. We do not have a set date because she
wants to discuss it with her husband first.

Another Miracle this week. We were sitting in the church building
waiting for our lesson to arrive. They texted saying they would be
late. Then a random person knocks on the church door and tries to open
it. We open it for him. We start talking to him. He told us how he is
trying to change his life around and fix his marriage. He was driving
and he felt like he needed to go to this church building. He even
pulled to the back where we were and not the front. We taught him the
restoration and gave him a Book of Mormon and left him with the
promise, this is what you are looking for and it will change your life
for the better.

That's it for the week! Have a wonderful week! Love you!
Elder Hayden Frey

** I had sent a box full of different sized Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups and cookies with Reese’s in them, with the saying- “Good luck with your new “REESE’s”ponsibility. (Meaning being the only Hmong speaking elder and teaching Elder Meade the language.)

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