Monday, March 14, 2016

P-Day 36

Hi Mom!

I am a lot healthier. I still have a trace if a cough which is almost gone. The nurse thinks it is bronchitis so I have to keep seeing if it comes back or not. But right now I am all good. Yes I read it often (Patriarchal blessing). Once or twice a week. 

We had exchanges this week with our zone leaders and Elder Goodsell, my favorite zone leader ever, came down to the Hmong branch. It felt good to finally do some missionary work. We taught three lessons and had a lot of success that day. We were able to talk to Kong, a 19 year old priest. It turns out that he was going to the patriarch to get his patriarchal blessing and we talked about how it will help him to live up to his potential. We also shared the video, our privilege our potential with President Uchtdorf. 

We also visited Thao Vang with Tsakong. Tsakong served his mission down in Cali and that is where Thao was baptized. They didn't know each other but they got to meet and talk and fellowship. Thao is a less active and Tsakong is a returning LA and they are both in their 20s. It went well. We challenged Thao to read the Book of Mormon more consistently. Next time we will follow up. 

It felt nice to do missionary work for once. The exchange was a lot of fun. It was also my month to conduct sacrament meeting. Things are still a little crazy and there is still work to do. Hopefully we can actually get it done. Love you!

Elder Hayden Frey

Haha Lori had her house set up to do a photo shoot while we were helping fix her sink. So we took turns fixing and taking photos. 

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