Monday, March 21, 2016

P-Day 37

Hi Mom,

So for transfers...... I am leaving.... I am going to Wasilla. My companion is staying and getting another rough companion and is not looking forward to the transfer. Haha he's been complaining saying he knows nobody, speaks none of the language, and is gunna die. I kinda feel bad but I am happy to get a change in companion. Just not area. I gave my departing talk from the branch and it was very sad. All in Hmong to say. The branch isn't very happy I am leaving... They all requested President Robinson's phone number to complain but oh well. I will be back in a few months guaranteed.  

My companion will be Elder Christensen, he was trained in Meadow Creek which is in my zone. So I know him really well. Plus there are 30-40 Hmong families in Wasilla, so yay!! 

Don't worry about me going hungry these next few days! We ate 4 meals yesterday and 4 or 5 for the next few days before I leave. Everybody wants to feed me.. So yeah I will gain back all the weight for sure. I leave for Wasilla Wednesday. And Hmong people aren't happy. That's all there is this week really. 

Love you!
Elder Hayden Frey

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