Friday, March 11, 2016



There was absolutely nothing this week... I got sick as crap. I was quarantined with no leaving the apartment from Tuesday-Thursday.
Friday I got to leave for Zone meeting but was quarantined for the rest.

Saturday I got to go out for a bit. We had service and we got to help out the Iditarod start! So the Iditarod begins in Willow and goes to Nome. But every year they do a ceremonial start in Anchorage and 25 sets of missionaries went and helped out. It was a neat experience.
The dogs are a lot smaller then you think. And they always look so happy! I wouldn't be pulling a sled for 1,000 miles in the freezing cold. Afterwards I was back to being quarantined and Sunday similar thing. Sunday was the most interesting day of church I have ever been in...

Have a good week! Hopefully I am not quarantined in our apartment for much longer!!
Love, Elder Hayden Frey

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