Monday, August 3, 2015

P-Day 4

Hi Mom!

I am doing well! We baptized 4 people Saturday! We started to teach Janee and Anthony, they are 12 and 11. They come to church every week and mutual and such but they aren't members. The parents wouldn't let missionaries come to teach them. Well we prayed and fasted and the parents hearts were softened! They even expressed interest in learning! So now we have two golden investigators. And hopefully Elder Younger and Airport Heights don't try to take Lori Vue because she is Hmong. She apparently is Golden and is out of town for the summer. Me and Elder Younger are having a competition on baptisms and they want her but they don't know where she lives. We do. I know it's not about numbers but I have to beat Elder Younger. We currently have 10 on date, 6 baptized and 5 committed to baptism without a date currently. I can fix that. ;) Then Lori Vue and some scattered investigators and eternagators. Going well so far! 

So we had an earthquake this week while I was in the temple. There are about 13 earthquakes a day somewhere in Alaska. Most of them you don't feel. This is the second one I've felt. It wasn't anything big. It was just the ground shaking. I never found out what the Richter scale was. But there wasn't any damage in Anchorage so it was nothing. They sent out a text tree about it and Elder Vang is DL so he is supposed to send it out to the district.... But we were in the temple for the Hmong session they put on for our branch.... So we sent the tree out 3 hours later. We had an excuse for being the ones that made this the longest text tree ever! 

They put on Hmong temple session for our branch in Hmong!(: That was a neat experience hearing it in Hmong. Same spirit even though I have no clue what they are saying at all! Nancy Cheng got to take out her endowments YAY!!

Hike this Saturday all the way in Palmer(: We get to go because we are counselors. It is way out of our zone but we get some leniency because it is a branch activity and we are counselors! That's why we planned it out of our zone.... So we could save the in zone hikes for P-Day.

Busy day this P-Day. We have a zone BBQ and we asked someone in our ward to make a Hmong side dish for 16.... They misheard us and thought we said 60 so there is food for 60.

Love you! 
Shib Ntsib Dua!
Elder Frey
Alma 47:36

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