Monday, August 10, 2015

P-Day 5

Hi Mom!

I went hiking!!! Pictures are included! Took my nice camera so it wasn't dinky iPad pictures! We had a really good turn out! We had less actives, investigators, recent converts and all our active members there! It was easily 60+ people. Lots of food for everybody afterwards. Loads of fun! That's what happens when you have counselors that are loads of fun.....

Apparently this has been the hottest summer in Alaska ever. Records are being broken everyday. I brought the AZ heat up with me! Aye I love it. Just going to wait out the cold winter. Last winter was the warmest ever and they got barely any snow and it never got below 0. They are expecting an even warmer one this year because it is an El NiƱo winter. I hope I stay here in Anchorage or go to like the Kenai or Ketchikan. Ha sike! They'll send me to Barrow where the only time it gets above freezing is in July and it gets into the low 40s. Come on -70!!!!! And polar bears....

Not much this week. Just a lot of meetings basically. We had district meeting like always, Trainer-Trainee meeting and Zone meeting. Had some bishopric stuff, just playing ref this week. It's a very slow week because school is about to start here so everyone is getting in last fishing trips and no one is home. Also school registrations... They were gone all week because registering 12-18 kids must be a pain. So we actually only taught about 8 lessons this week. Slowest week so far.

We have this one less active who is a member but doesn't think he is...... Awkward! He was baptized and ordained a deacon when he was 13. He's 19 now and had no clue or recollection. We had been going over and over there. We would hint he is a member. Elder Vang finally said straight out "Kua you were baptized and you are a member of the church" he prayed that day saying thank you for the elders for telling me I am a member!

Joanna Dickson added you on Facebook!! We eat there a lot of Sunday's and hang out with Tsemeng. Jaynee, Anthony, and Allysin were there yesterday too. Joanna is awesome! She is the branch pianist and primary pianist. 

Love you!!
Elder Frey

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