Monday, August 17, 2015

Sister Dickson

Last week when Hayden emailed he said that a woman in his Hmong branch was going to friend me on facebook.  She is the branch pianist and also the primary pianist and the elders go to her house for dinner almost every Sunday.  I was devastated because I had seen her friend request and deleted it (not recognizing the name).  I tried to search for her and couldn't find her, so I told him to tell her to try again.  She contacted me yesterday and we had a great visit through facebook.  She sent me a photo from church yesterday and then tagged me in a few photos she already had.  She said she is signed up to have Elder Frey and his companion over for dinner on Hayden's birthday and asked if there was anything she could do to give him a taste of home.  What a tender mercy!!  I told her I was planning to send him a birthday box with the ingredients for his favorite dessert.  (He isn't a big fan of cake.)  She is going to help him make it after making him tacos for dinner.  I'm so happy and relieved to know he'll be taken care of!
At the temple when he got to go through with a member of the Hmong branch a few weeks ago.
At a picnic after the branch hike last week.
 Dinner at Sister Dickson's a while back.
 Dinner at Sister Dickson's last Sunday.
They had Kimchi soup and apparently Hayden loved it!
 Yesterday at church

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