Monday, August 24, 2015

P-Day 7


I promised Kua, a dude that didn't know he was baptized, that if he read the Book of Mormon everyday then he would get a job. Because we are instruments of the Lord, if prompted we can actually make promises like this. I was talking to one returned missionary, in the MTC, he said he promised a family if they went to church they would get a house. Well they went to church and the next week the missionary couldn't find them. He couldn't find them because they found a new house and moved. This story came to my mind and then I felt like I should make a promise to Kua, so the Lord will do his part if Kua does his. We'll see if he does his part.

I went back to Paj Kub's Saturday, I hadn't really seen her in a few weeks. She hasn't been to church because of work and we hadn't eaten over there. We were there for a party (We get invited to every party its AWESOME- like free food heck yeah!) and I actually had a conversation with her in Hmong and after we conversed for a bit she was like, "Wait you speak Hmong now?!?!" I about died.

Send me the video! I spoke slow so you could try to see intonations in the language. Random side note: I messed up the tone for hais in the video so I said hai instead of hais. So it was changed from speak(hais) to pull(hai).  Oh well, you won't see a difference but the Hmong will, but they would get what I was trying to say

We had interviews with President Robinson, that's when Sister Robinson took the video when Elder Vang was interviewed.  When he asked us how our relationship was we both said: "like a river meets the sea." We may get transferred because he laughed and said we were having a too good time. Oops!

Not much this week, we tracted a lot. We placed all of our Books of Mormon and we need to get more. So good week! 

Sib Nstib Dua!
Elder Frey!

1 comment:

  1. I am amazed that he already knows a language and he wasn't even called to speak in that language, was he?
    He looks and sounds fantastic, this must make you smile every day.
