Monday, August 17, 2015

P-Day 6

I had asked a lot of questions in my last email to Hayden and most of his email he is answering them.  I mostly asked about his branch and his companion...

Hi my favorite Mom!

We got transfer calls. Staying in Hmong as expected. Elder Lancaster and Elder Uasike are too as are the Sisters. So the scatterball squad is still intact. Nome is in our district too. They got switched around and they reopened Bethel so they were added to our district. They have to FaceTime in for district meeting LOL, thankful for iPads. 
Hmong branch, we have about 160-170 records but average attendance is about 40- lots of LAs. Working on it!
They (the Hmong) are everywhere in Southern Alaska but mostly Anchorage. We go up to Eagle River and Chugiak to teach a few up there. There are some in Palmer, Wasilla but we don't go down there. 
Yes, we go (to transfer meeting) anyway. Everyone flies down to it. Elder Vang is singing at this transfer meeting because the Jacobs requested him to sing at their last transfer meeting. 
Elder Vang was called to English speaking. But he spent 7.5 months here when he first got here. Then he left to Ketchikan and Prince of Wales, Anchorage to be a ZL and now back to the Hmong branch. If he dies here then he will be here for about 13 months though. 
So me and Elder Vang had this crazy idea to wake up at 5:30, run 3-5 miles (depending on the route) to the church building, play morning sports which is usually scatterball but basketball if the sisters don't wake up, then run 3-5 miles back.... Then come back and finish working out before studies.... By the end of my mission I'll be running a marathon.......  The first day we did it it was 40 degrees and all I had was a TShirt and Shorts #AZProbs
It's getting colder! The daytime temps are still 60s and 70s but the sunlight period is shrinking. It's still bright as day when we head in at 9/9:30 but by 10:30 it is getting darker. It's still lightish at 5:30 am when we get up to run but from about 11 or 11:30 to 4:30 it's dark. So the morning temps are getting colder and colder. It's no longer a low of 58-60 but 40-50 because the sun isn't out all night. I'm gunna freeze soon. I'll be sent to Barrow just watch.

No Baptism this week. Weirddddddd. 

Love you!
Elder Frey

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