Monday, April 4, 2016

P-Day 39

Hi Mom,

No hikes yet. It is warming up and there is mud everywhere so we can't really hike. It hit 67 degrees on Wednesday. A lot better then 20 degrees! Or -15 like it was a in November. 

General Conference we had it at the stake center and at Bishop Gray's house.** We had a lot of less actives and non members when we went to Bishops. It was very spiritual and it helped one of our slower progressing investigators speed up his progression and he asked a lot of questions. 

I still am getting used to the area. I don't know directions at all and we cover two wards so it is huge! Also English work is a lot different from Hmong. Vastly different and I am still adjusting to it. 

I did get a new razor. I don't know what happened to it. All I know is I don't have it and the Hmong elders say it isn't there so I just went and got a new one.. And yes I got the board game. It is called civilization. It is based off an old video game that was a lot of fun. 

We got the new phone book and I think I found some Hmong people in the area possibly! Haha! It's easy when there are only 18 last names and maybe 7 of them are common. Also Bishop Gray has a few apartment buildings with Hmong in them (in Anchorage though) and said he may invite them to dinner. Haha yes! 

Love you!
Elder Hayden Frey

** From an email sent out to others...
The talk on refugees just makes me want to go back to Hmong! I've done all those things soooo many times. It was an awesome experience. But Hollands talk was awesome. I really like when he talked about we get credit for trying. Because we are human, we make mistakes everyday.  But as long as we are trying our best to change and do good. The grace of Christ allows us to be forgiven. It was a wonderful heartfelt talk.  Monson's short sermons were amazing too. He is truly a prophet of God.

We had some non members and less actives at Bishop's house and things went well. One of our slower progressing investigators was asking a ton of questions and seems to be progressing quicker. It's going well!
We had a super solid potential call us this morning and ask us to teach her. So yeah! There's that.

Elder Frey and his new companion, Elder Christensen
(Sent to me from another missionary momma in one of the wards he is serving in.  They had taken them to Arby’s for dinner.)

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