Monday, April 11, 2016

President and Sister Lampert

I had the BEST surprise during sacrament meeting today! A visitor got up to bear his testimony, and I thought he looked a little bit familiar but I didn't think much of it. He started speaking about a missionary who he had been serving with back home and how he had come to our ward today to thank us for preparing and sending out such an amazing missionary. He said he especially wanted to thank his mother- ME! I had figured it out about halfway through and had burst into tears, so I'm not sure what else he said. President and Sister Lampert serve as the branch president and his wife in the Hmong branch in Anchorage, Alaska where Elder Frey served for the first 8.5 months of his mission. He loves them dearly (and not just because they did his laundry for him every week!).  
The Lamperts are in AZ for a wedding, and have been planning this surprise visit to meet me for months.  Elder Frey didn’t say a word!

The Lampert’s stayed for all of the block and Sister Lampert attended Young Women with me.  She said she has never served in YW and loved being able to see how we do things.  She really enjoyed the lesson.  After church we went outside in the chilly rainy weather for some photos. The Lampert’s felt right at home, but I was FREEZING!

(This picture is from last September when the Lampert’s joined Joanna and the other missionaries in celebrating Elder Frey’s Birthday with him.  President Lampert had called me that night to make sure they had the right directions to make “cherry gook”.)

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