Monday, April 11, 2016

P-Day 40

Hi Mom!

Oh my gosh when did they go?😜 Haha we had planned that for a long
time! I gave him the time and where it was and we planned it so he
would be there fast Sunday. Mwhahaha we are evil. Hope you enjoyed it
:P and random side note. He doesn't even have the right number :P He
has been texting random other missionaries LOLOLOLOL*

The Hmong people live in Anchorage.** Possibly found a potential Hmong
family in our area though! My shoes are still good. All of them.

This was a tougher week than most but there were several miracles
within it. This was the dreaded “nobody's home" week. We tried and
tried and nothing was coming out of it. As soon as you are about to
give up, that is when the miracle comes. Keep on pushing!

We got a call from one of our wards bishop's wife. She has a friend
that she has been working on and has come to church for the last year
and been reading the Book of Mormon and finally has decided to join
and take the missionary lessons. We went over and taught the
restoration. It was a powerful lesson. She bore her testimony of the
BoM. We didn't need to commit her to read the BoM because she reads
and prays about it. We didn't need to commit her to come to church. So
we went straight for baptism and boom. She said yes. Today we are
prayerfully selecting a date with her.

We also tracted into a solid potential investigator. He is humble and
ready to learn. We taught the restoration and left a Book of Mormon.
We will see this week.

It's been a tough week but me and Elder Christensen are pulling
through and doing our best. Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
might, mind and strength and all will work out. That's what we are
doing. Have a wonderful week and love you!

Elder Hayden Frey

*President Lampert jokingly tried to give me Elder Frey’s phone number.  I said, “NO!  I’m trying to be a good example of obedience!!

**I had asked if he had met the Hmong people his new bishop is renting to.

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