Monday, April 18, 2016

P-Day 41

Hi mom!

Hahaha pho*. I've had the reallllllll stuff. So it won't be as good.  Hehehehe but yeah it's all a lie what the Lamperts said 😶 I’m terrible horrible no good very bad.

We had an unfortunate incident with the investigator that went to the temple with the member and she dropped us. (The fellowshipper invited her and she is a little crazy and she knew she couldn't go in but it didn't go through her head right. Wasilla is full of crazies.)  Her heart will be softened one day.

Hope Ronne is still progressing well and we have a lesson today with her. She expressed her plans to enter into the waters of baptism. We are talked with her about prayerfully deciding a date when she feels she is ready. I feel that she may push that off for a few months so we may encourage and talk about her readiness as of right now. But she is
a wonderful, tender mercy from Above.

We had another two investigators experience the humbling moment that has pushed them to meet with us. He was recently laid off from the slope and they want to meet. The Lord's hand is definitely in his work.

Short email this week sorry! Not much happened besides that and chopping a lot of wood. A LOT and zone conference which is a 7 hour meeting... But yeah.

Love you!
Elder Hayden Frey

*Alyssa and I went out to dinner with the Lamperts earlier in the week.  We went to the Vietnamese restaurant that Joanna and I went to last fall and had more pho- a soup that is now one of Hayden’s favorite things. We told him we’ll have to take him when he gets home.

From his general email...

Well this week was pretty uneventful. We had zone conference and we had the opportunity to sit for 7 hours and receive training. Haha not my favorite thing but I got to see one of my favorite elders, Elder Goodsell! We actually did learn a lot about how we can better serve the Lord.

We also chopped a lot of wood. That's what missionaries are for in Wasilla I think... We chop wood! It's a good workout at times and a lot of fun. We got to meet a lot of good people through this service and maybe one day will be open to the gospel.

Our investigators are still progressing well. We have one committed and several solid potentials. Thing seem to be popping with the warm spring weather here. It's been sitting 50-60 degrees and the trees are turning green. This is an abnormally early and warm spring.

Zone Conference

A moose out the window.
When I said I wanted to see him, not a moose, this is what I got.

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