Monday, November 23, 2015

P-Day 20

Hi Kuv Niam.

The week was terrible, horrible, no good, very bad!! Jkjk, it was
awesome as always.  I'm good on stuff for Christmas. But I need gloves...
No gloves in that package at all.

This last week was pretty busy. We had a Thanksgiving party Saturday
and we spent most of the week preparing for it. When we weren't, we
were strengthening our Recent Converts and helping them to be centered
on Christ

We have even our investigators doing missionary work!! We had them
invite friends to the thanksgiving party and they were all super
interested! You can tell those who are prepared from those who aren't.
They have all seen God in their life and love to here our message! The
Hmong people are awesome!

Well, the thanksgiving party was a huge success. We invited the Chugach
foothills Ward and we set out chairs for 120. Then so many people
showed up we had to put out more tables and chairs for 60 more. Those
were filled up and we moved all the youth to the YW room so the adults
could sit and then that was filled! We had 210-220 people show up! It
was awesome! The joys of being a counselor.

This week will be really nice! Let's just say we have 3 dinners and
2-3 more potential dinners on Thursday... We were also invited to some
Hmong clan parties too so we have 3 dinners on both Friday and
Saturday... Best week of my life!!!!

Love you!
Elder Frey

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