Monday, November 16, 2015

P-Day 19

Nyob Zoo Niam,

Koj nyob li cas? This will be my 4th transfer (6 months) in the
branch! We had interviews with President Robinson Saturday. It
basically went along the lines of "The missionary department won't
send me another Hmong speaking missionary, so you are the Hmong
speaking missionary." Basically as of right now it is possible for me
to spend my whole missionary here! I would love that. Elder Ryan Vang,
my current comp of 6 months, goes home this transfer. Elder Jamal Vang
goes home a transfer after that. Then it's just me! The only Hmong

Oh transfer meeting.... President said we need to make our mission, our
areas and our companion ships "on fire." Then he came up to us after
and said that we need to give a training on what that means! We had 12
baptisms last transfer, 1/3rd of our mission transfer goal.. So we
were inspired and we decided to make our area on fire again... And we
went that night and put 3 more people on date! That's 4 for this
transfer so far that we have on date! We also saw the new Christmas

You most likely won't find the new ChuFoo elder's mom. It is Elder Fernadez from the Philippines. How was Elder Uasike's talk? I'm guessing he talked about Bethel!

We went to the temple with the 6 we baptized last week, Vue Yang, and
Qaze and Gao Xiong. Vue Yang had the biggest smile on his face. He
brought names to do... but they weren't temple ready. He was a little
saddened by that but besides that, his face musta hurt after he was
smiling so big... Bao was pretty pumped too! She was the last of the
girls in line and she was pretty much jumping up and down waiting to
go do confirmations then baptisms! We then all went out to eat after.

Okay, here is a warning. I may buy gloves. It was -7 yesterday here.
With a windchill of -15! Brrrrrrrrr. I'm staying warm though.

Kub hlub koj
Tub Txib Fwm

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