Monday, November 23, 2015

From Elder Vang

Hello Sister Frey,

First I'd like to be apologize for emailing on a non P-day but I had
to somehow sneak this so that your son does not see or suspect
anything. He's a very smart person. I'm sure you know that. First I
just like to say that serving with your son has been one of the
greatest times of my mission. He exemplifies so many christlike
attributes and I know you're proud of him. And I hope you'll always
be. He is doing a marvelous work here and he'll be blessed with it. I
love him as my own brother. And I owe a lot to him for being the best
companion to me and all he has to do to put up with me. He has always
been prepared to serve in this area of the Lord's vineyard and I have
never doubted that for one moment.
Elder Vang

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