Monday, September 7, 2015

P-Day 9 (with tons of hiking photos!!)

Hi Favorite Mom,
I had a great birthday. President Lampert was torturing you, mwhahaha. We had a ton of fun at Joanna's eating tacos and cherry gook. Everyone loved it! Picture proof I helped make it!! I remembered everything but the temperature! I thought it was 325 not 350 for 30. Oops. We also had a little party at the Xiongs and they gave me a card and cake and splattered me with whipped cream.
Almost as many baptisms as me hehehe. We had to push some dates back because everyone was out of town fishing for the last few trips of the summer. 
We went hiking last week and going today too.  It was 10 miles round trip. Mileage wise that is nothing but It is one of the toughest in the Anchorage area. We had dinner with Brother Shiers of the Chugach Foothills Ward with the ChuFoo Elders and we told him we hiked it and he was amazed. This is a guy in the military who does wilderness survival and some crazy 2 week Backpacking trips and he won't do it. I didn't think it was that bad. I've done worse. The initial few miles are very, very tough. It is almost vertical in some parts. Once you rise up it is just some ridges. You go up and down slowly climbing. Then you get to another decent rise. Then a ridge, then another straight uphill climb and you are at the top. It was so beautiful up there! You could just see mountain ranges and anchorage and the ocean. It wasn't too bad for me and Elder Vang, after the initial climb we ran the thing. Then we ran back. I'm proud of Elder Lancaster, he did it! A 5'10" 140 pound skinny kid finished it in decent time. About 45 minutes after me and Elder Vang and we even ran. 
Cool story of the week. So we were tracting and we pick up the loose change we see when we tract and collect it. We bent over and found a quarter in front of a house. We looked at each other and said we need to go knock on this house. We knocked and it was this young couple. I say everyone we find is Golden.... But they all are. The Lord really does put people in your path that are ready. This couple is awesome. They ask us tons of questions and have thus yearning for spiritual knowledge it is crazy! We spent about 2 hours there talking about the restoration and God and Jesus Christ. They wanted to know everything. Finally we were like, you can't learn all at once we will come back! As we left the house, there was another quarter on the ground in the exact same spot in front of the house. 
Going hiking so love you and have a good week!
Elder Frey

Wearing the new hoodie and sweatpants I had sent to him.
With Elders Vang and Lancaster

 Enjoying the view



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