Monday, September 7, 2015

19th Birthday Celebration

(Sunday, September 6) Elder Frey spent his 19th birthday with Joanna Dickson, the branch pianist serving in the Hmong branch.  She had contacted me a few weeks ago and asked what she could do for him to make him feel at home.  She made him tacos and I had sent him the ingredients for "Cherry Gook", his favorite dessert.  I asked her to help him make it.  I had also sent balloons and candles, along with his favorite hoodie, some jerky and breath mints.  (He bought himself a guitar a while back and I had already sent him money towards that as his main gift.)
As I was sitting and writing to him Sunday night, the phone rang.  Alyssa didn't recognize the number and passed me the phone.  It was President Lampert, the branch president that Elder Frey serves with.  He said that Hayden had forgotten to bring the recipe I had sent him for the Cherry Gook and they needed some instructions.  I could hear Hayden talking in the background and IT WAS KILLING ME!  I also spoke with Joanna to give her the instructions as well.
 Elder Frey and Rudy
 Sister Lampert, Elder Vang, Elder Uisake, and Rudy
 Making Cherry Cobbler, aka "Gook"

 The cobbler was too hot to put candles in, so they put them in the ice-cream instead.
 Sleeping it off
Back row: Elder Vang, Elder Uasike, Elder Frey, Elder Lancaster.
Front/middle row:  Sister Lampert, President Lampert, Joanna's aunt and uncle. (Elders Vang and Frey are sporting their fast Sunday sheep ties.)

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