Monday, September 14, 2015

P-Day 10

Hi Mom,

I am doing well.  Cars don't like you! I haven't
gotten my license yet but I will soon. I'll work on Garrett.
We had our primary program this week. We combined with Chugach Foothills
Ward to do it. They meet at the same time as us. We hold our sacrament
meeting in the Relief Society room while they meet in the Chapel.
Although we have been filling up the room almost full. We had 50 show
up and we were missing  families of 12 and 10! And a few scattered
active members as well. But all the Hmong kids were with the Chugach
Foothills Ward primary to do it because we combine our youth groups.

We did a ton of service this week. We helped the Boy Scouts and the
shipping center. We moved their shipments off the trucks from the
Lower 48, sorted them by order and destination, loaded them onto
pallets, then put them into trucks or planes to get shipped out around
Alaska. We helped Lori Vue move some stuff. Then we helped stain her
patio. We also helped the city wide food drive.

We also helped the Lee's because Tsakong got into a bad accident. One
of his jobs is at FedEx and they were moving a 9,000 pound pallet and
it dropped on his foot. He lost some muscle, nerves and ligaments.
They muscle and ligaments will repair but half of his foot will never
have feeling again because there is no nerves. We have been visiting
him all week and helping the family.

Tsakong served his mission in Elder Vang's Hmong branch in California.
So Elder Vang has known him for a while. He has to work 2 jobs to
support him and his parents right now so he can't come to church. He
always makes jokes that he is one of the less actives although he
comes to every single branch, ChuFoo Hmong activity, and he even took
off work to give a talk in church. First thing he said when we saw him
at the hospital, with a chunk of his foot missing, was "Guess I should
stop being less active." He just always cracks jokes!

Love you!
Elder Frey

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