Monday, September 21, 2015

P-Day 11

Hi Mom!

I am glad you had a good week. We had Stake
Conference as well! A General Authority was there, Elder Blunk.  He talked to all of us missionaries then spoke at Stake Conference.
Funny story of the week! Okay so I was falling asleep during the first talk of Stake Conference. President Chadwick, our stake president was speaking. As I was falling in and out of a doze I prayed that Heavenly Father would help me to stay awake. Let's say he answers prayers in interesting ways.. Not even 5 seconds after I finish.. I hear: "Can Elder Frey come to the front please?" I snapped up and walked up to the front and he had me speak for a little bit about my transfer story. I had so much adrenaline the whole rest of the meeting I stayed awake.

President Lampert called Stake Conference: The Elder Frey Show. The General Authority, President Chadwick and President Robinson all talked about me in Stake Conference and my experience being put in the Hmong branch.

Our mountains are covered with snow... There is between 2-4 feet of snow at the top apparently. Yesterday it was 25 degrees when I got up...

I may be leaving. Usually when Missionaries come here to the Hmong branch they come for 6+ months. President Lampert was talking to President Robinson joking around saying we need 4 missionaries because we teach so much and President Robinson said "Elder Vang is staying but I don't know about Elder Frey." So we will see Friday!  Don't want to leave!!

Love you!
Elder Frey

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