Monday, July 6, 2015

The Airport Phone Call

Hayden (Elder Frey) had told me in his email he was leaving for the airport at 3:30 am this morning, which meant 2:30 am in AZ.  That meant I didn't sleep much because I kept waking up and checking my phone.  At 4:44 am (AZ time)  I got THE call. We spoke for about 25 minutes.  It was AWESOME and here is some of what I learned:
*Just like at trek he had "the best district ever!"  He said his friends from home (Kruz and Jacob) kept trying to join them.  There were 12 missionaries in his district.  Half are going to San Diego tomorrow and the rest are headed to Alaska today- 3 sisters and 3 elders.
*Kruz (Elder Johnson) is headed to Finland, but he was in the same building, just one floor up, so they ran into each other quite often.  He ran into Jacob (Elder Martinson) too, but not as often, usually at meals.
*As I said before, Hayden's companion was going to San Diego, but the 2 other elders in his room- Elder Jensen from Wyoming and Elder Younger from Utah- were the other 2 elders going with him to Alaska.  He said they were great friends and they reminded him of his friends Jacob and Chandler.  They are flying to Portland and then on to Anchorage.  He has an hour layover in Portland and said he would try to call, but I'm sure he won't have time.
*He took 2 pictures in front of the temple with his district on their one and only P-Day at the MTC.  He hasn't sent them yet, but will once he gets another P-Day.  I told him to label the pics so I would know who Elders Jensen and Younger were.  He said I'll know them because they're wearing a suit and tie.  (His sense of humor kills me!)
*He said his Zone had 58 missionaries- one of the largest (if not the largest) ever.
*He asked me to thank the Battaglia's (our home teachers) for the package they sent.  I asked about the chips and salsa (I had sent him a package for the 4th of July) and he said he loved it!  I found out later in the conversation that is what Battaglia's sent him too and he was talking about theirs- he never got mine.
*He asked me to send him 2 more ties.  (He must already be bored with the ones he took).
*He said that it's been 100+ degrees in Utah and most of the missionaries having been dying.  He and his companion (from Surprise, AZ) weren't even phased.  He also said he's headed to 76 degrees in Alaska.  (I'm so jealous!)
*I asked about the investigators he taught while he was in the MTC.  I wasn't sure how that worked, but they bring them to the MTC to be taught.
*For Aunt Tisha- they didn't take much off when he went in for his mandatory haircut before leaving the MTC.  They just shaved his neck and took a tiny bit off the top.
*Hayden's luggage weighed 38 lbs. and 20 something pounds so he didn't have to pay extra (YAY!)  He did well!  My packing lessons with him paid off.
*He wanted me to tell Lucky "Hi". 
That is pretty much it, but it was awesome!  He got to talk to Garrett for a minute too (because I guess I got really excited and was loud enough to wake him), but Alyssa slept through it.  Hayden felt bad and told me not to wake her (although I should have anyway).  He had to go so he would have time to call his dad and then get something to eat before they started boarding.  I didn't want to let him go, but I didn't cry (until after we hung up and then they were happy tears).  I'm so happy I got to talk to him.  I know some moms don't get to, so I feel very blessed!

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