Thursday, July 2, 2015

First email

Hi Mom!

Just got a P-Day, my district was jipped out of it...The first week was awesome!  I have an amazing district.  My companion is great and my room mates and I get along really well.  I currently teach 4 lessons a day.  We got 1 investigator committed to baptism, one getting there and another...She isn't ready for the gospel but we are preparing her for the future of possibly having it.  Everything is good!  They catered us with Taco Bell and Costa Vida etc... It was better than the Cafeteria!  Glad to hear from you!  I sent you a letter by the way.

Elder Frey

**This is his first email in 8 days.  I was able to email back and forth with him while he was still at the computer and found out a little more.  He flies to Alaska early Monday morning.  His companion is Elder Alger from Surprise, AZ who will be serving in San Diego.  The other 2 elders in their room are Elder Younger and Elder Jensen.  He said he has seen his 2 best friends, Kruz and Jacob, who just arrived at the MTC yesterday.  They eat their meals together.  He asked for me to send him his consecrated oil because he has given a number of blessings and he has had to go looking for oil each time.  He was headed to get another haircut, even though Aunt Tisha cut it REALLY short before he entered the MTC.  He said it's a requirement to get it cut within five days of leaving the MTC.  And, shaving every day sucks (his words, not mine).


  1. LOVE this! Thanks for the blog link, it will be so fun to hear his adventures!

  2. Thanks for letting us read about his (and your) adventures! You will spend p-days waiting for that opportunity to email back and forth.
