Monday, May 1, 2017

P-Day 95

Hi Mom!

I have gotten the new debit card. So you can call and activate. But that is cool that Sister Woolsey got her temple recommend. Also how is Tyler doing? I had sent him that email and never heard back. Haha and the analogy just made me hungry lolol. But yeah that is weird, Kruz had emailed me saying he was coming home but idk why, I have to figure it out. Jacob may get home like a week before me too. And all these people left after me! 

But we had a good week. Idk if I told you but, we are in a trio. We got called last Monday and we got an ET. A white elder came in here to be with us. President told us it would be for 3 weeks only and then he would leave. Super weird, I don't know why President put him in a language ward but he is inspired. 

This week was an interesting week because we had several lessons with people who didn't speak English. It is normal to teach people who don't speak English but Elder Rogers, the new elder, had no clue. Haha it was funny. 

On Wednesday, we had another lesson with Txawj Vaj. We brought President Lee with us. Haha it turned into a 3 hour lesson. Txawj and President Lee just small talked for like 45 minutes and then we gave Txawj Vaj a General Conference DVD in Hmong. The wife brought out tea for us. So President Lee very boldly explained the Word of Wisdom. It was bold that he explained it but how he went about it. He explained the law and then blessings and very boldly testified they need to live it and explained what would happen if they didn't. Haha it was funny. Then we started watching a little bit of GC. We watched the Prophet, Joy D. Jones, and Elder Choi's talks. President Lee beforehand had asked if they had any questions and they would he answered while watching. They were answered. Txawj Vaj's wife is super interested but Txawj Vaj is so so. Hopefully this will start to soften his heart as he watches Conference more. But it ended but being like a 3 hour lesson and Elder Lor and Elder Rogers kind of just sat there while me and President Lee taught.

Thursday we got a referral from the Spanish elders. They tracked into a Hmong lady who wanted to know more but her English was poor. So we went back that day and I taught the PoS, The Book of Mormon and gave her pamphlets for the first 2 lessons and a BoM. She said the come back in a month when she has read everything. We'll go back sooner but she could be golden!

Friday I went on exchanges to an American Ward. I went with Elder Anderson who had come out with me. That was fun because we have been out the same time. We just did service the whole day for some nonmembers and the next day as well. But We had the opportunity to talk to several people during the process and got fed by several nonmembers. 

Sunday was a good day as always. Told we are probably just playing sports with the zone. I am excited for the week. I love you! 

Elder Hayden Frey

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