Tuesday, May 23, 2017

P-Day 98

Hi Mommy,

Alaska is beautiful and rainy. Slightly chillier this week because of the rain and some cool breezes but when the sun is out. IT IS HOT. I am going to die in AZ. That kid sounds like Garrett! Lol jkjk. Glad my truck is on it's way to getting fixed (:

That blessing was cool! The church is true. Don't worry about people asking questions. 1. You will never be asked as weird of questions that are asked here in the Hmong branch. Like: Here in America, they doctors take the placenta. When the kids die and aren't buried near the placenta, do they go to a different place instead of the spirit world. Haha that was a weird one. And 2. You can always say: I don't know the answer but I can study it out and find you one. Or ask if anybody knows an answer. 3. Always testify!

And you don't have to worry about the suit. I have 2 solid ones that I obtained in my mission and haven't worn a ton. So I will have 2 good ones for when I go home. Any other advice for things to bring?

But we had a good week this week. Busy week for the most part. I had to do some translating this week. There is a family who has had some troubles lately and fell behind on their car payment. They don't speak English so I went over and translated the phone call and helped get some things squared away. Or start to at least. I also had to translate some temple recommend interviews for the Stake presidency. 

Besides that we did the same old same old. We have a former investigator who believes in the Book of Mormon but doesn't want to get baptized. He has had super high blood pressure and is at risk for a stroke. He also doesn't speak English and apparently the translators aren't very good because he got no medication or anything to help the high blood pressure. All he was given was anti depressants. So... we talked with him about exercising more and eating healthier. He has been super sick for about 2-3 years now; ever since I have been here or longer. But because of it his speech is slurred and he is in terrible condition. But his heart has opened. Hopefully, he will begin to act on the spiritual promptings he has been given. 

I love you. Probably going hiking today so I'll send photos!
Elder Hayden Frey

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