Monday, April 17, 2017

P-Day 93

Hi Mom!

Happy belated Easter Day. Christ has risen! I picked up the package on Friday. I love it! Thank you so much. And you could ask the full time missionaries (; I get asked all the time so I stopped caring and stressing. That is what happens when you are an old missionary I guess. (I said I might need to ask someone to teach Gospel Essentials for me next week).

But things are going good. And btdubs, when president Lampert says I am "trunky." He is lying! I am not ready at all. 

It has been a good week. We got to meet this one less active, Xeng, that we have been trying for a long time. We got in and we talked it up. I met with him when I first became a missionary but Ryan always talked with him because I still wasn't strong in the language. But by the time I learned some, we had stopped meeting with him. But we were able to talk and he shared lots of stories. He is another who came over from Laos and fled into Thailand. Anyone above 50 was a refugee who fled into Thailand. But he shared some stories and about Hmong culture and things like that. He was very excited to have us over. But unfortunately, he works on Sundays. 

We saw Dily and Kong on Wednesday. They are always fun visits and fun people to talk to. Dily is about 26 but he is mentally handicapped so he reminds of Alyssa where he is functional but has hit a plateau. But Dily loves to talk. Kong is about my age and he also likes to talk. We have been trying hard to get him to come to church and he keeps saying he needs to come. We got him to come once but since then he has slacked. But he knows he needs to, ugh! Why do we have agency. 

Thursday, we were able to visit the Thao's. They are a family that me and Ryan had baptized the kids but he parents are still investigating. They used to come to church every week but they stopped. They are having a lot of trials in their life and struggling. We are trying to help them physically so they can continue to progress spiritual. 

Friday to Saturday I went on exchanges with Elder Hunter, one of the YSA elders. He is a young missionary but a very good one. Haha it was a fun exchange. We went tracting and he just sat there at every door. And the Hmong people are a very social people, so I would have door step conversations for 10-15 minutes all in Hmong and he would just sit there and smile. Haha in like every trailer there is a window by the door so hey can see out. But they would see two white guys coming to the door and be kind of scared because they don't speak English well. So I would just start talking to them in Hmong through the window and they absolutely loved it. It was a lot of fun. After we just visited all of our YSA Hmong and tried to bring them to the YSA Luau. 

But we locked our church keys in the clerks office during the day. The church keys also have our house key on it. We realized this at 9:20 when we got home. So we had an extra church key and library key. But there was one that said M on it. So we thought it was a master and could get into the bishop's and clerks office. Nope... so we had to stay at the zone leaders for the night until we borrowed President Lampert's key to get our keys back. That was interesting. 

Saturday, the ChuFoo senior couple had a baptism! I am really close with them. They were in Petersburg when I was ZL in Juneau. So we called them all the time then they left and came to ChuFoo but then I came back to Hmong. They are awesome! But I have a talk at the baptism because the boy they baptized knew me from the Ward and I had to interview him. It was a wonderful baptism! Afterwards we taught some former investigators and visited less actives. 

Sunday was a wonderful surprise. Sister Her was there!! I call her my Hmong pog (Grandmother). I translated for her but I also got to talk with her a bit. It may be the last time I see her before I go home. She will be at our dinner tonight so I am excited. We had a very disappointing turnout. We met with the ChuFoo Ward because it was Easter and we had a special program. We had 14 people -_- It was the Lee's and the white people in the branch. But that's alright. Next week! 

Sister Moffitt, the mission secretary (who is also assigned with her husband to our branch as missionaries. She was an ASL teacher in Fresno so she knows plenty of Hmong people. Doesn't speak Hmong though but they love the branch) started working on my flight info going home. I requested the Sacramento airport, I hope that sounds good 😜😜😜 haha she said no 😭😭 We are really close with her and Elder Moffitt and she knew I wanted to go there to go see Jamal and Ryan Vang and to go see Hmong people. I was like, "I need a flight to Sacramento and a long layover in Seattle so I can see Grandmother Her." She laughed. 

But besides that, it was a good week and a good Easter. I hope you had a good one too! I love and miss you! Next week I'll send a photo of me and Sister Her! 

Elder Hayden Frey

 Burning my pants (4 months late)!

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