Monday, April 3, 2017

P-Day 91

Nyob zoo!

Sorry we have a very very busy P-Day today and we finally have time to
email. Today is the start of a new transfer and we have to move some
people around. We have to host the Arctic Valley elders. Elder Guerber
is going to Kodiak and Elder Davis is getting a new comp. We had to
drop off Elder Guerber this morning to the airport but his flight got
canceled so we had to reschedule it and now we are hosting him until
his flight today, if that flight isn't canceled. But we have been
running around and shopping and getting haircuts and dealing with this
flight stuff. So I will just send a massive email to everyone.

The obvious event of the week was General Conference. It was
absolutely amazing! I will definitely be studying those talks for the
next 6 months. I watched it in Hmong. Elder Lor just streamed it on
his tablet in English and put headphones in. lol I loved the prophets
message! Read the Book of Mormon everyone!

I met a really cool guy named Txawj Vaj this week. He has a crazy
story. He was imprisoned and chained in Vietnam for 7 years because he
believed in God. Then he ran into Laos and then from Laos, he ran into
Thailand to get here in America. His story was amazing! He has a very
strong belief in God but he has the mindset that it doesn't matter
what church, it is about the belief.... maybe we can fix that.

It snowed about 10 inches on Wednesday and we did a lot of shoveling
for people. That was fun and a workout. A couple days it would snow in
the morning and the temperature will rise to about 40-45 during the
day and it will a melt. I cannot wait for all this snow to melt!
Summer is coming.

I think that is it.. it was another good week as always. I am excited
for the warmer temperatures this week! Have a good week everyone!

Elder Hayden Frey

"Posterity Photo" (His two "sons" are in grey, and a "grandson")

 Hanging at the Lampert's

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