Tuesday, April 11, 2017

P-Day 92

Hi mommy!

Sorry the Pday was packed last week but you'll get an email today (: We did so much running around. That was this full week. We literally just ran people around. 

So I am going to NAU for sure now, I would pay the deposit. But I have one more questions about housing. Is it required for freshman? My buddy Johnnie from high school (Idk if I told you but I wrote him and was like, meet with da missionaries and did and got baptized) has an apartment that I would room with and help pay rent to. So it's still up in the air, just curious. 

But our weather has been hot! 45-55 degrees. I have been sweating hard!! I am outside in short sleeved shirts lolol. Arizona is going to suck. The snow is going fast and it is light at 6:30 and dark usually around 10. So it's light almost all day for us. It's pretty sweet. 

So we hosted Elder Davis Monday-Wednesday and then the Nome missionaries Thursday-Saturday. So we were hosting all week. We went hiking on Monday to a frozen waterfall and took pictures on a frozen lake. Pics included today :P

With Elder Davis we were able to do work. We did a service for some nonmember family in Eagle River. We walked into his bedroom to move some stuff and I got high walking in. Whew! It was bad! We also had to use a truck to get his UHaul unstuck. He totally spun tires. It was picture perfect like Bednar talk/Mormon Message: Bearing Our Burdens With Hope. But we got them moved out successfully. 

We had Zone Conference this week too. It was all about the BoM and the power of it. It was cool how President Monson talked with it and it was made our mission plan for the quarter a few weeks ago. 

Saturday was a painful day. We started out the day with a nice breakfast. Then we dropped off the Nome elders at the airport to fly back to Nome. Then we proceeded to get a call from a member to come eat brunch. After we went to interviews with President. Then we proceeded to do some servings who fed us lunch. Then we went to a member's bday party and ate food. To go to our dinner appointment only to go back and eat more food. Hmong people stuffed us full. I am still full from all that food. 

But I am excited for a new week. No more running around and we can finally do missionary work! I hope you have a good week! I love you!
Elder Hayden Frey

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