Monday, March 6, 2017

P-Day 87

Hi Mom!

Wow, this was a busy, busy week. We had so many meetings and things going on. I like the talk and the analogy that President Nevitt used. 

Last p-day we just played basketball. It has been so long since I just played for a few hours. I was so out of shape and my shot was off. But it was a blast!

Tuesday, we picked up the Nome elders and took them to do errands. We also ate at 2 different Samoan restaurants. So we had very generous portions. But also went on a mini exchange and I went with Elder Fale. He is from Tonga but has lived in America for the last several years so he speaks english well, but we were looking for Hmong people so that was fun. We knocked on this door and he was a Hmong guy from Thailand. He had been in America for a little less then 2 years. That was fun talking with him about Thailand and how he liked America. 

Wednesday, we had zone conference. It was amazing. We went over the things Elder Ardern taught and how we can apply them to our mission. We also learned about using the pamphlets and the temple. It was amazing.

The next day we dropped off Nome and went to trainer trainee meeting. That was another spiritual experience. We talked about beginning with the end in mind. We have to know where we want to go to get there. I also learned a lot about goals. I was sitting on a row with Elder Gentry, my first trainee, Elder Lor, my current trainee, and Elder Gentry's trainee. We had a little family reunion going on!!!

But yeah, Friday we went up to Chugiak and talked with a few investigators up there. We talked with several people up there and had a good meal at the Fried Rice Express. 

Saturday we did service for the Iditarod ceremonial first start. So we got assigned to work an intersection by our selves. So we arrive at the intersection and someone comes up to us and says, "Why are you here? There is nothing to do here." Haha so they moved us up a block and we did "crowd control." What it meant was stand there and watch. So we OYM'd people around us. We also got to pull our car right up and could hop in when it got cold and there was food trucks! Haha we got spoiled rotten. 

Sunday was a good day! We had a decent attendance at about 40 and there were amazing testimonies. This Saturday we have a baptism! Lori Vue, one of the people me and Ryan brought to the church, her son is getting baptized this Saturday. I am very humbled because he asked me to perform it. It is amazing to have this opportunity and to see miracles.

I love you!
Elder Hayden Frey

Zone Conference

Iditarod 2017

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