Monday, March 13, 2017

P-Day 88

Hi Mom!!!

The work is going really really good as always. We have been doing a lot of tracting and such but it is fun to talk to a lot of people. 

It hasn't snowed in a long time but the temperatures are 25-32 usually. But now that the daylight savings came into effect it is sunny when we go in at 9! 

Did you have your appointment? How was the fireside? I am excited to hear about it.

This week was super busy but not super exciting to write about. Last P-day we played basketball. 

Tuesday was district meeting. At the beginning of district meeting I had given everyone Krispy Kreme donuts and said don't do anything with them. Then we went through district meeting and I had trained last. I asked everyone to throw away the donut. One person ate it and a few refused. But, everyone who threw it away, after I finished the training, got Dairy Queen lunch and a donut. 

I trained on patience and how patience is giving up something we want now, for greater blessings later. It was fun hehehe but not good on my allotment card.

We went on exchanges after. I was with Elder Hunter, my zone leader. He is cool, he had to go home for back surgery and then came back out. But we tracted a lot and visited a lot of FoBs (Fresh off the Boats). So there was no english. 

But Wednesday we went to the temple. That was fun and one of the most spiritual times I have been there. 

Thursday was uneventful. We helped cook food for the homeless and then tried people.

Friday we exchanged with the YSA elders. Elder Poppleton came here and Elder Lor went there. We had too much stuff to do for us two. So we split it into two for them and us. We had service and baptism preparation. 

Saturday was the baptism! It was really cool. Sorry..... No pictures..... But it was awesome! I baptized him and President Lampert confirmed him. It was an 8 year old of a family that me and Ryan baptized.

But besides that it has been a normal week. We are possibly going hiking today. We aren;t sure but I love and miss you!

Elder Hayden Frey

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