Monday, March 20, 2017

P-Day 89

Nyob zoo niam!

I am doing great! I am glad you had a great first week. Lol Brad Wilcox is really funny so I bet that was a blast. And send some heat up here!!! We are consistently in the high 20s, low 30s and we could use some more. Although, I have been wearing nothing but a white shirt when it is above like... 10-15 because it is so warm. I am wayyyyyy to acclimated now. Arizona July is going to suck. 

But this week was a normal week. We didn't end up going hiking last p-day. We just played basketball instead! So that was fun. 

Wednesday we had to move a water heater from a burnt trailer to one of our part members family's trailer. So we got a YSA member who is a contractor to help us. We completely forgot the fact that it is winter and the water inside the water heater was frozen. So it took 5 of us to try and move it.... That was heavy. 

Saturday was our branch potluck. This week, all we did was hand out flyers for the potluck. We visited nearly every less active. We were running around like crazy! People would invite us in and we would be like "Nope, we got to get running." But we had a lot of LAs come to the event! We had a talent show and a lot of food. It was a blast. 

So I totally had a FOB (fresh off the boat) moment this week. I was having a Hmong conversation and the lady said "Lub hli april..." (The month of April) I was thinking: "Oh there is a word I don't know in this sentence, let me ask what it means." So I ask "April txhais li cas?" (What does april mean, or what does April translate to) But I said it totally slow like I was trying to figure out the word. Everybody is the room starting laughing and I was super confused why. Hahah then everybody was like "Lub Plaub hli ntuj!" (The 4th month, which is how you would say it in Hmong, Hmong in america just use the english name most of the time.) Oh my gosh, it was so funny. I DON'T REMEMBER ENGLISH!!!

But I love you!
Your favorite son who doesn't remember English

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